Top-Rated Learning Platform of 2024

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Exclusively designed for ambitious students. Transform YouTube videos and PDFs into powerful learning tools powered by cutting-edge AI.

10,000+ Students Transformed
98% Satisfaction Rate

Exclusive Learning Superpowers

AI-Powered Quizzes

Exclusive machine learning algorithms generate hyper-personalized quizzes tailored to your learning style.

Adaptive Flashcards

Our proprietary algorithm creates smart flashcards that adapt to your knowledge gaps in real-time.

Elite Study Analytics

Gain insights with advanced tracking that most study platforms don't offer. Your success, scientifically mapped.

What Top Students Are Saying

"Studdee transformed my study routine. I'm retaining more information in half the time!"

Sarah K.

Medical Student

"The AI quizzes are mind-blowing. It's like having a personal tutor 24/7."

Michael T.

Engineering Major

"I went from struggling to top of my class. Studdee is my secret weapon."

Emily R.

Law School Candidate

Create Flashcards and Quizzes in Seconds

Quiz Interface

Pricing Plans



  • 5 credits/month
  • Create up to 5 AI Flashcards, Quizzes, & Notes
Most Popular



  • Unlimited
  • Create unlimited AI Flashcards, Quizzes, & Notes



  • 30 credits/month
  • Create up to 30 AI Flashcard, Quizzes, & Notes

Why Students Choose Studdee

Academic Acceleration

Proven to improve study efficiency by up to 70% with AI-powered learning tools.

Time-Saving Technology

Transform hours of study time into minutes with our intelligent content conversion.

Personalized Learning

Adaptive algorithms tailored to your unique learning style and knowledge gaps.

Exclusive Membership Benefits

Priority AI Support

24/7 dedicated AI learning assistant with premium accounts

Unlimited Content Conversion

Transform unlimited PDFs and videos into study materials

Advanced Analytics

Detailed learning progress tracking and performance insights

Early Feature Access

Be the first to test cutting-edge learning technologies

Limited Time Offer: Start Your Journey Today

No credit card required • Cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

How do credits work?

What is your cancellation policy?

How can I update my subscription?